Parallel Netcdf Feature

Jianwei Li jianwei at
Mon Jun 20 10:53:59 CDT 2005


I did not quite catch what you want, but basically
our subarray functions put/get_vara can exclude
boundary columns/rows as many as you want to.
You just need to specify start[] and count[] vectors
for the subarray, e.g., process 0 can specify
start[] = {0, 1} and count[] = {3, 1} while process 1
can specify start[] = {0, 2} and count[] = {3, 2}.


On Sun, 19 Jun 2005, Yu-Heng Tseng wrote:

> Hi
> I am interested in doing some complicated output
> using parallel NETCDF so that each process outputs
> different sizes.
> For example, the total size has two dimensions (x,y).
> If the total size is (4,3), e.g.
> 1,2,3,4,
> 5,6,7,8
> 9,10,11,12
> If we use two processes:
> Process 0 has  and process 1 has
> 1,2,               3,4,
> 5,6,               7,8,
> 9,10               11,12
> I don't want to output the first column
> (which includes 1,5,9). How can I output
> the rest 9 variables
> 2,3,4,
> 6,7,8,
> 10,11,12
> Can I obtain some examples? or can someone
> tell me any particular subroutine I can use?
> I can check it out. There are not many test
> examples in the current release.
> Thank you very much.
> Yu-heng

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