<P>hi, all</P>
<P>I'm trying to write down velocity in each processor into files. Below is an sample in the subroutine userchk:</P>
<P>open(unit=80,file='result.dat')<BR>write(80,*) 'x, y, z, u, v, z, p'<BR>do e=1,<FONT color="#ff0000">nelv<BR></FONT> do k=1,lz1<BR> do j=1,ly1<BR> do i=1,lx1<BR> write(80,1) xm1(i,j,k,e),ym1(i,j,k,e),zm1(i,j,k,e),<BR>& vx(i,j,k,e),vy(i,j,k,e),vz(i,j,k,e),pr(i,j,k,e)<BR> enddo<BR> enddo<BR> enddo<BR>enddo<BR>1 format(1p15e17.9)</P>
<P>But in this case ,I can get the data only in one processor. When I use more than one processor, how to get velocity in all processors?</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Best regards!</P>