<div dir="ltr"><div><span lang="en"><span title="Andrew"></span></span>Hi Neks,<br><br> I have one question about stress formulation in NEK5000.<br> I
tried to make a simulation for Poiseuil flow with stress formulation. In inlet boundary condition use was made of parabolic profile. If IFSTRS=false the
outlet profile is exactly the same as inlet one but in case of
IFSTRS=true the outlet profile changes significantly (both the maximum
value and profile shape). Could you tell me how I can get the parabolic
profile at outlet, please?<br> The same thing occurs with pressure
values. The maximum pressure value with IFSTRS=true is three times
higher then the one with IFSTRS=false.<br><br> I found that the
difference comes from subroutines where the stiffness matrix is
calculated (axehlm for IFSTRS = false and axhmsf for IFSTRS = true) but I
don't undestand what is happening exactly.<br><br>Thanks in advance for your help,<br>Best regards,<br>Andrew<br></div></div>