/----------------------------------------------------------\ | _ __ ______ __ __ ______ ____ ____ ____ | | / | / // ____// //_/ / ____/ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ | | / |/ // __/ / ,< /___ \ / / / // / / // / / / | | / /| // /___ / /| | ____/ / / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / | | /_/ |_//_____//_/ |_|/_____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ | | | |----------------------------------------------------------| | | | NEK5000: Open Source Spectral Element Solver | | COPYRIGHT (c) 2008-2010 UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC | | Version: 1.0rc1 / SVN r721 | | Web: http://nek5000.mcs.anl.gov | | | \----------------------------------------------------------/ Number of processors: 4 REAL wdsize : 8 INTEGER wdsize : 4 Beginning session: /nics/d/home/dongli/work/cesar_nek5000/examples/vortex/r1854a.rea timer accuracy: 0.0000000E+00 sec read .rea file nelgt/nelgv/lelt: 140 140 140 lx1 /lx2 /lx3 : 8 6 6 mapping elements to processors 0 35 35 140 140 NELV 3 35 35 140 140 NELV 1 35 35 140 140 NELV 2 35 35 140 140 NELV RANK 0 IEG 71 73 76 80 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99 100 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 126 128 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 element load imbalance: 0 35 35 done :: mapping elements to processors 0 objects found done :: read .rea file 0.97041E-02 sec Reset the target Courant number to .5 setup mesh topology Right-handed check complete for 140 elements. OK. setvert3d: 8 20210 50450 20210 20210 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 4292 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 1.87099e-05 1.82867e-05 1.88828e-05 crystal router : 8.2016e-05 8.18968e-05 8.21829e-05 all reduce : 5.64337e-05 5.6386e-05 5.64814e-05 used all_to_all method: pairwise setupds time 2.6644E-02 seconds 0 8 20210 140 8 max multiplicity done :: setup mesh topology call usrdat done :: usrdat generate geomerty data vol_t,vol_v: 6.28318530711336 6.28318530711336 done :: generate geomerty data call usrdat2 done :: usrdat2 regenerate geomerty data 1 vol_t,vol_v: 6.28318530711335 6.28318530711335 done :: regenerate geomerty data 1 verify mesh topology -1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 Xrange -1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 Yrange 0.00000000000000 2.00000000000000 Zrange done :: verify mesh topology 103 Parameters from file:/nics/d/home/dongli/work/cesar_nek5000/examples/vortex/r1854a.rea 1 1.00000 p1 DENSITY 2 -1854.00 p2 VISCOS 7 1.00000 p7 RHOCP 8 1.00000 p8 CONDUCT 11 50. p11 NSTEPS 12 -1.0e-2 p12 DT 15 200.00 p15 IOSTEP 18 -20.0000 p18 GRID 19 -1.00000 p19 INTYPE 20 10.0000 p20 NORDER 21 0.100000E-06 p21 DIVERGENCE 22 0.100000E-08 p22 HELMHOLTZ 24 0.100000E-01 p24 TOLREL 25 0.100000E-01 p25 TOLABS 26 1.00000 p26 COURANT/NTAU 27 2.00000 p27 TORDER 28 0. p28 TORDER: mesh velocity (0: p28=p27) 65 1.00000 p65 #iofiles (eg, 0 or 64); <0 --> sep. dirs 66 4.00000 p66 output : <0=ascii, else binary 67 4.00000 p67 restart: <0=ascii, else binary 93 20.0000 p93 Number of previous pressure solns saved 94 3.00000 p94 start projecting velocity after p94 step 95 5.00000 p95 start projecting pressure after p95 step 99 3.00000 p99 dealiasing: <0--> off/3--> old/4--> new 102 1.00000 p102 Dump out divergence at each time step IFTRAN = T IFFLOW = T IFHEAT = F IFSPLIT = F IFLOMACH = F IFUSERVP = F IFUSERMV = F IFSTRS = F IFCHAR = F IFCYCLIC = F IFAXIS = F IFMVBD = F IFMELT = F IFMODEL = F IFKEPS = F IFMOAB = F IFNEKNEK = F IFSYNC = T IFVCOR = T IFINTQ = F IFCWUZ = F IFSWALL = F IFGEOM = F IFSURT = F IFWCNO = F IFTMSH for field 1 = F IFADVC for field 1 = T IFNONL for field 1 = F Dealiasing enabled, lxd= 18 Estimated eigenvalues EIGAA = 2.46740110027234 EIGGA = 229419.231159930 EIGAE = 2.46740110027234 EIGAS = 8.333333333333329E-002 EIGGE = 229419.231159930 EIGGS = 2.00000000000000 verify mesh topology -1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 Xrange -1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 Yrange 0.00000000000000 2.00000000000000 Zrange done :: verify mesh topology E-solver strategy: 1 itr mg_nx: 1 5 7 mg_ny: 1 5 7 mg_nz: 1 5 7 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 98 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 4.47035e-06 4.3869e-06 4.60148e-06 crystal router : 4.43459e-06 4.3869e-06 4.48227e-06 all reduce : 4.05312e-06 3.91006e-06 4.1008e-06 used all_to_all method: allreduce setupds time 1.1210E-03 seconds 1 2 200 140 setvert3d: 4 3126 4246 3126 3126 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 808 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 5.29289e-06 5.10216e-06 5.48363e-06 crystal router : 1.81258e-05 1.8096e-05 1.82152e-05 all reduce : 1.73092e-05 1.72853e-05 1.73807e-05 used all_to_all method: pairwise setupds time 6.2749E-03 seconds 2 4 3126 140 setvert3d: 6 9796 18756 9796 9796 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 2206 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 1.0705e-05 1.06096e-05 1.08004e-05 crystal router : 4.52042e-05 4.52042e-05 4.52042e-05 all reduce : 3.67939e-05 3.6788e-05 3.68118e-05 used all_to_all method: pairwise setupds time 1.4101E-02 seconds 3 6 9796 140 setvert3d: 8 20210 50450 20210 20210 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 4292 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 1.5986e-05 1.57118e-05 1.61171e-05 crystal router : 8.16822e-05 8.16107e-05 8.1706e-05 all reduce : 5.53608e-05 5.53131e-05 5.54085e-05 used all_to_all method: pairwise setupds time 2.5870E-02 seconds 4 8 20210 140 setup h1 coarse grid, nx_crs= 2 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 98 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 3.57628e-06 3.50475e-06 3.60012e-06 crystal router : 4.41074e-06 4.41074e-06 4.41074e-06 all reduce : 3.71933e-06 3.71933e-06 3.71933e-06 used all_to_all method: pairwise done :: setup h1 coarse grid 4.885101318359375E-002 sec call usrdat3 done :: usrdat3 set initial conditions Checking restart options: r1492_n08.fld27 time=0. Reading checkpoint data 0 0 OPEN: r1492_n08.fld27 byte swap: T 0.000000 0.000000 140 8 8 8 5.0101000E+0250101 U P 4 NELT,NX,N úaÑ@ NONSTD HDR, parse_hdr, abort.