Neks,<br><br>I am attempting to reset the temperature of a certain part of my flow domain to a constant value using cfill. I have had success doing this with the x, y, and z velocities, but temperature doesn't seem to work. I have attached the pertinent code from my usrchk, I would appreciate any help! Thanks,<br>
<br>Josh<br><br> nxyz = nx1*ny1*nz1<br> n = nxyz*nelv<br><br><br> if ( then<br> do e=1,nelv<br> if (xm1(2,2,2,e).gt.0.9) then <br> call cfill(vx(1,1,1,e),1.0,nxyz)<br>
call cfill(vy(1,1,1,e),4.0,nxyz)<br> call cfill(vz(1,1,1,e),0.0,nxyz)<br> endif<br> if (zm1(2,2,2,e).ge.0) then<br> call cfill(t(1,1,1,e,1),980,nxyz)<br> else<br> call cfill(t(1,1,1,e,1),327,nxyz)<br>
endif<br> if (xm1(2,2,2,e).le.-1.3) then<br> call cfill(t(1,1,1,e,1),980,nxyz)<br> endif<br> enddo<br> <br> endif<br> <br>