/----------------------------------------------------------\\ | _ __ ______ __ __ ______ ____ ____ ____ | | / | / // ____// //_/ / ____/ / __ \\ / __ \\ / __ \\ | | / |/ // __/ / ,< /___ \\ / / / // / / // / / / | | / /| // /___ / /| | ____/ / / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / | | /_/ |_//_____//_/ |_|/_____/ \\____/ \\____/ \\____/ | | | |----------------------------------------------------------| | | | NEK5000: Open Source Spectal Element Solver | | COPYRIGHT (c) 2008-2010 UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC | | Version: 1.0rc1 / SVN r560 | | Web: http://nek5000.mcs.anl.gov | | | \\----------------------------------------------------------/ Number of processors: 8 REAL wdsize : 8 INTEGER wdsize : 4 Beginning session: /home/harish/nek5_examples/2D_bfs/re28k/bfs2.rea timer accuracy: 4.0531158E-07 sec read .rea file nelgt/nelgv/lelt: 444 444 76 lx1 /lx2 /lx3 : 8 6 8 mapping elements to processors 0 55 55 444 444 NELV 1 56 56 444 444 NELV 5 56 56 444 444 NELV 2 55 55 444 444 NELV 3 56 56 444 444 NELV 4 55 55 444 444 NELV 6 55 55 444 444 NELV 7 56 56 444 444 NELV RANK 0 IEG 136 137 138 139 140 161 162 163 164 165 166 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 239 240 241 242 243 244 265 266 267 268 269 270 291 292 293 294 295 296 318 319 320 321 322 323 344 345 346 347 348 349 done :: mapping elements to processors 0 objects found done :: read .rea file 0.31853E-01 sec setup mesh topology Right-handed check complete for 444 elements. OK. setvert2d: 8 6123 22107 6123 6123 call usrsetvert done :: usrsetvert gs_setup: 576 unique labels shared pairwise times (avg, min, max): 2.87026e-05 2.65837e-05 3.11136e-05 crystal router : 2.48998e-05 2.42949e-05 2.54869e-05 all reduce : 0.000104022 0.000103903 0.000104189 used all_to_all method: crystal router setupds time 5.0881E-03 seconds 0 8 6123 444 4 max multiplicity done :: setup mesh topology call usrdat done :: usrdat generate geomerty data vol_t,vol_v: 139.99999999999943 139.99999999999943 done :: generate geomerty data call usrdat2 done :: usrdat2 regenerate geomerty data 1 vol_t,vol_v: 139.99999999999946 139.99999999999946 done :: regenerate geomerty data 1 verify mesh topology -10.000000000000002 20.000000000000004 Xrange -1.00000000000000000 4.0000000000000000 Yrange 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Zrange done :: verify mesh topology 103 Parameters from file:/home/harish/nek5_examples/2D_bfs/re28k/bfs2.rea 1 1.00000 DENSITY 2 -28000 VISCOS 4 1.00000 GTHETA 7 1.00000 RHOCP 8 0.100000E-01 CONDUCT 12 -.0050000 DT 18 0.500000E-01 GRID 19 -1.00000 INTYPE 20 5.00000 NORDER 21 1.000000E-07 DIVERGENCE 22 1.000000E-09 HELMHOLTZ 24 0.100000E-01 TOLREL 25 0.100000E-01 TOLABS 26 1.000000 COURANT 27 3.00000 TORDER 28 0.000000E+00 49 0.000000E+00 66 6.00000 write form (0), unform(1), universal(2) 67 6.00000 read form (0), unform (1), universal(2) 93 20.00000E+00 Number of pressure sol'ns saved 94 5.000000E+00 start saving pressure soln's after this 95 5.000000E+00 start saving pressure soln's after this 99 3.00000 p99 = 3 --> dealias turned on 101 2.000000E+00 No. of addl filter modes 103 0.01 103 filter weight IFTRAN = T IFFLOW = T IFHEAT = F IFSPLIT = F IFLOMACH = F IFUSERVP = F IFUSERMV = F IFSTRS = F IFCHAR = T IFCYCLIC = F IFAXIS = F IFMVBD = F IFMELT = F IFMODEL = F IFKEPS = F IFMOAB = F IFSYNC = T IFVCOR = F IFINTQ = F IFCWUZ = F IFSWALL = F IFGEOM = F IFSURT = F IFWCNO = F IFTMSH for field 1 = F IFADVC for field 1 = T IFNONL for field 1 = F Dealiasing enabled, lxd= 12 verify mesh topology -10.000000000000002 20.000000000000004 Xrange -1.00000000000000000 4.0000000000000000 Yrange 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Zrange done :: verify mesh topology call usrdat3 done :: usrdat3 set initial conditions call nekuic for vel xyz min -10.000 -1.0000 0.0000 uvwpt min 0.0000 -0.19923E-19 -0.19923E-19 0.0000 -0.19923E-19 PS min 0.99000E+22 xyz max 20.000 4.0000 0.0000 uvwpt max 1.5000 0.39999E-19 0.39999E-19 0.0000 0.39999E-19 PS max -0.99000E+22 done :: set initial conditions gridpoints unique/tot: 22107 28416 dofs: 21504 15984 Initialization successfully completed 0.71969E-01 sec nsteps=0 -> skip time loop running solver in post processing mode call userchk grid-to-grid interpolation set initial conditions Checking restart options: bfs10.f00001 Reading checkpoint data 1 OPEN: bfs10.f00001 byte swap: F 6.5432100 -2.93127722E+35 7 additional processes aborted (not shown)