Hi,<br><br>I run the case 2D eddy_uv and have writtten the metadata file vis.nek5000 for visualization.<br>But the metadata file can't be loaded into VisIt which gives error like this: VisIt could not read from the file /home/wzc/nek5/examples/eddy_uv/vis.nek5000.<br>
<br><br>PS:<br>The name of result file are: eddy_uv.fld01 ........ eddy_uv.fld11<br>The content in my vis.nek5000 is :<br>NEK3D<br>version: 1.0<br>filetemplate: eddy_uv.fld%11d<br>firsttimestep: 1<br>numtimesteps: 11<br>
<br>and I use executable version of VisIt 1.11.2.<br><br><br><br>Regards,<br><br>Zhicheng Wang<br><br>