[Nek5000-users] Getting planar average and outputting data

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue Feb 6 23:42:27 CST 2018

Dear Neks,

I am trying to average a box geometry along the xz-plane using the
planar_average_s subroutine from turbChannel. But it is not outputting all
the y values from my domain.

I am using the average file from avg_all as a restart file and hope to
output the planar averaged velocity and passive scalars along the y
direction. Could someone help me fix my code?

Below is what I have so far:

      call planar_average_s(yy,ym1,w1,w2)

      call planar_average_s(uavg_pl,vx,w1,w2)
      call planar_average_s(vavg_pl,vy,w1,w2)
      call planar_average_s(wavg_pl,vz,w1,w2)
      call planar_average_s(tavg_pl,t(:,1,1,1,1),w1,w2)
      call planar_average_s(ttavg_pl,t(:,1,1,1,2),w1,w2)
      call planar_average_s(tttavg_pl,t(:,1,1,1,3),w1,w2)

      if(nid.eq.0) then
      do i=1,ny1*nely/2
        write(57,3) yy(i)
     &            , uavg_pl(i)
     &            , vavg_pl(i)
     &            , wavg_pl(i)
     &            , tavg_pl(i)
     &            , ttavg_pl(i)
     &            , tttavg_pl(i)
   3  format(7f17.9)
      call exitt

Thanks for any help,
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