[Nek5000-users] About TST_WSCAL

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Fri Aug 24 07:15:29 CDT 2018

hello Neks.
I am a Nek5000 user and want to test nek5000 scalability,so I try to
rewirte the file.

I modify the makenek file:

I added the statment in reader_par.f
      param(151) = 30
      param(150) = 50

so i try to run the demo ethier,but i got the error iformation like these:
Step     42, t= 4.2000000E-03, DT= 1.0000000E-04, C=  1.002 1.8351E+01
             Solving for fluid
         42  PRES gmres        30   1.4718E-09   4.1884E+01   1.0000E-08
 8.2129E-02   1.4073E-01    F
         42  Hmholtz VELX      50   3.5103E-04   2.0863E+02   1.0000E-12
         42  Hmholtz VELY      50   1.6061E-10   1.5756E+02   1.0000E-12
         42  Hmholtz VELZ      50   3.0524E+02   9.4242E+01   1.0000E-12
             L1/L2 DIV(V)           9.3378E-01   2.3756E+02
             L1/L2 QTL              0.0000E+00   0.0000E+00
             L1/L2 DIV(V)-QTL       9.3378E-01   2.3756E+02
             WARNING: DIV(V)-QTL too large!
         42  Fluid done  4.2000E-03  3.1138E-01
 CFL, Ctarg! 84.587414707615267 0.5

       43  4.2000E-03 Write checkpoint


       43  4.2000E-03 done :: Write checkpoint
                              file size =     0.44    MB
                              avg data-throughput =     6.1MB/s
                              io-nodes =     4

it just runs 40 steps instead of 1000 steps , how can i deal with that?
Thank you so much ~
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