[Nek5000-users] Fwd: 3D Taylor-Green vortex - error

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 26 15:19:25 CDT 2018

Hi all,

This is my second day with Nek5000. Day one was to go through the process
of setting up the simulations with example eddy case and periodic hill case
running fine on a single core of local workstation. I was hoping to run the
3D Taylor-Green vortex case (described in https://www.grc.nasa.gov/
hiocfd/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/C3.3_Twente.pdf) very quickly to compare
the CPU wall clock time with OpenFOAM. Ideally I'd like to run a 16^3
elements cubical box [-pi,pi] with polynomial order 4 providing 64^3
degrees of freedom. I'm targeting 28-84 cores. The boundary conditions of
the case are triply periodic and initial conditions are defined as
trigonometric expressions of space. I didn't know how to write expressions
such as sin(x)cos(y)sin(z) in Nek5000. So, I tried with initial condition
uy=uz=0 and ux=1. I keep getting the following error with my set up:

makenek - automatic build tool for Nek5000
generating makefile ...
build 3rd-party software ...
‘tgv.usr’ -> ‘tgv.f’
mpif77 -c  -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -cpp -DMPI -DUNDERSCORE
-DTIMER -I/gpfs/home/lboro/ttvs3/Nek5000/run/tgv
-I./ /gpfs/home/lboro/ttvs3/Nek5000/run/tgv/tgv.f  -o obj/tgv.o
mpif77  -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -cpp -DMPI -DUNDERSCORE
-DTIMER -I/gpfs/home/lboro/ttvs3/Nek5000/run/tgv
-I./ -o nek5000 obj/tgv.o obj/drive.o obj/drive1.o obj/drive2.o obj/plan5.o
obj/plan4.o obj/bdry.o obj/coef.o obj/conduct.o obj/connect1.o
obj/connect2.o obj/dssum.o obj/edgec.o obj/eigsolv.o obj/gauss.o
obj/genxyz.o obj/navier1.o obj/makeq.o obj/navier0.o obj/navier2.o
obj/navier3.o obj/navier4.o obj/prepost.o obj/speclib.o obj/map2.o
obj/mvmesh.o obj/ic.o obj/gfldr.o obj/ssolv.o obj/planx.o obj/math.o
obj/mxm_wrapper.o obj/hmholtz.o obj/gfdm_par.o obj/gfdm_op.o
obj/gfdm_solve.o obj/subs1.o obj/subs2.o obj/genbox.o obj/gmres.o
obj/hsmg.o obj/convect.o obj/induct.o obj/perturb.o obj/navier5.o
obj/navier6.o obj/navier7.o obj/navier8.o obj/fast3d.o obj/fasts.o
obj/calcz.o obj/byte.o obj/chelpers.o obj/byte_mpi.o obj/postpro.o
obj/intp_usr.o obj/cvode_driver.o obj/nek_comm.o obj/vprops.o
obj/makeq_aux.o obj/papi.o obj/nek_in_situ.o obj/reader_rea.o
obj/reader_par.o obj/reader_re2.o obj/finiparser.o obj/iniparser.o
obj/dictionary.o obj/hpf.o obj/mxm_std.o obj/comm_mpi.o obj/singlmesh.o
obj/blas.o obj/dsygv.o -L/gpfs/home/lboro/ttvs3/Nek5000/3rd_party/gslib/lib
-lgs -L/trinity/shared/apps/local/bzip2/1.0.6/1/lib
obj/drive2.o: In function `dofcnt_':
drive2.f:(.text+0x8d50): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
obj/plan5.o: In function `midstep_':
plan5.f:(.text+0x186): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan5.f:(.text+0x379): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan5.f:(.text+0x391): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan5.f:(.text+0x3c9): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
obj/plan4.o: In function `crespsp_':
plan4.f:(.text+0x9db): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan4.f:(.text+0xb1a): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan4.f:(.text+0xc79): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan4.f:(.text+0xd7a): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan4.f:(.text+0xd90): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_32S against
symbol `scrns_' defined in COMMON section in obj/convect.o
plan4.f:(.text+0xda3): additional relocation overflows omitted from the
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [nek5000] Error 1

In your experience, the error is related to my compiler/mpi or the set up
files? If latter, can anyone be kind enough to check out my set up files
please? If you want to save time and have done this case before, you can
share those files from the past.

Any input is highly appreciated.

PS- Thanks Prof. Fischer for your reply. Hope this one is more clear.

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