[Nek5000-users] Accessing variables

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Oct 23 04:31:48 CDT 2017

I am trying to access local velocity to do some post-processing during  
If I take as output vy on a given point, I have a result. The same  
value of vy is given in my output ascii field file.
The vy changes the sign but the mangitude is exactly the same when I  
see the field files on visit.
Finally, if I export the field file to tecplot formula, the vy has the  
same value I see on visit.
The problem is that the post-processing works well on tecplot, while  
on my subroutine in the usr file doesn't work, since not only the vy  
value is wrong, but it affects also the vorticity computation, that I  


Mario Ostieri

Ph.D. Student
University of Naples Federico II
Department of Industrial Engineering
Piazzale V. Tecchio 80
80125 Napoli, Italy
tel. +390817682184
email: mario.ostieri at unina.it

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