[Nek5000-users] link between local and global direction

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Sat Nov 25 23:11:52 CST 2017

Hi Vatslav,

There is some discussion of mesh deformation here:


Look for mesh modification.

As long as your transformation is a relatively smooth

function of the input geometry, i.e., X' = f(X), where

X=(x,y,z) is the input geometry and X'=(x',y',z') is the

output geometry, then things are likely to be ok.

A call to fix_geom just before the "return" statement

in usrdat2 is often a good idea.  That is:

      subroutine usrdat2

      your code here (e.g., following the url above)

      call fix_geom



Note that the comments about outputting the geometry

in the URL above are somewhat dated.   Nek5000 always

writes the geometry to the first 0.f00001 file, so you don't

have to explicitly request to have the geometry written with

the other fields (velocity, pressure, temperature...)



From: Nek5000-users <nek5000-users-bounces at lists.mcs.anl.gov> on behalf of nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov <nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov>
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2017 4:04:02 AM
To: nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Subject: [Nek5000-users] link between local and global direction

Hi, Neks!

What is the principle of creation of link between local ( i, j, k ) in some spectral element and the global coordinate system ( x, y, z ) in sophisticated geometry ?

And how to find out how does these links changes when I move or rotate the elements ?

Regards, Vatslav.
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