[Nek5000-users] Merging mesh - mesh tolerance

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Mar 25 13:09:05 CDT 2015

Dear nek5000 users,

I got the following error after merging two meshes. However, I don't
understand the message. Is there any problem? What does it mean?

Thank you very much.


Error message :

2773     2     4  Matrix:  SELF!!
       1 SELF!!     1189     1377     1189     1377
       2 SELF!!     1360     1206     1360     1206
 cont: SELF!!        2773   ??

 ABORT: SELF-CHK            1           5        2773           0
 Try to tighten the mesh tolerance!
  3024     8    10  Matrix T:  slfchk     3024        0
       1 slfchk     2116     2275     2288     2133     2121     2276
2289                                                                 2138
       2 slfchk     2275     2587     2574     2288     2276     2588
2575                                                                 2289
       3 slfchk     2587     2821     2769     2574     2588     2822
2770                                                                 2575
       4 slfchk     2821     2951     2912     2769     2822     2952
2913                                                                 2770
       5 slfchk     2951     3120     3081     2912     2952     3121
3082                                                                 2913
       6 slfchk     3120     3237     3224     3081     3121     3238
3225                                                                 3082
       7 slfchk     3237     3302     3263     3224     3238     3303
3264                                                                 3225
       8 slfchk     3302     3341     3289     3263     3303     3342
3290                                                                 3264
       9 slfchk     3341     3354     3328     3289     3342     3355
3329                                                                 3290
      10 slfchk     2133     2288     2301     2150     2138     2289
2302                                                                 2155
        3024  this is nel in prexit
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