[Nek5000-users] hpts and pressure

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 13 18:42:35 CDT 2011

Hi Josh,

Yes, it seems to me that either htps() needs modification for Pn-Pn-2 pressure points or pr() should be mapped to pm1() before calling htps() as you suggested -- something along the lines for .not.ifsplit in prepot.f:219

         if (ifsplit) then
            call copy(pm1,pr,ntot1)
            do 1000 e=1,nelv
               call mxm (ixm21,nx1,pr(1,1,1,e),nx2,pa(1,1,1),nyz2)        
               do 100 iz=1,nz2
                  call mxm (pa(1,1,iz),nx1,iytm21,ny2,pb(1,1,iz),ny1)
  100          continue
               call mxm (pb(1,1,1),nxy1,iztm21,nz2,pm1(1,1,1,e),nz1)
 1000       continue


----- Original Message -----
From: nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
To: "nek5000-users" <nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 5:29:50 PM
Subject: [Nek5000-users] hpts and pressure

Hello Neks,

I am trying to output pressure data at various points using the hpts routine.

The values that are output for the first time step look ok, but all
subsequent time steps seem to give garbage (i.e. the pressures given
in hpts.out are way different that what is given by visualizing
pressure in VisIt).  I know previously that this was an issue for
someone and it was thought that passive scalars may be messing the
hpts output up, but in my case I don't output temperature or pressure.

I looked at the hpts routine and noticed that it uses pm1 when it is
stacking the field variables into the working array.  Since I am using
a Pn-Pn-2 formulation for my case, do I need to use the mappr
subroutine in my usrchk to map the pressure from mesh 2 to mesh 1
before calling hpts()?

I'm assuming the issue arises because I am calling hpts more
frequently than I am outputing field files, and thus perhaps pm1 isn't
properly being updated (or perhaps it may have already been


Josh Camp

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
nothing" -- Edmund Burke
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