Hi,<br>i have a cluster with 2 eth netwoks.one is for manage the cluster,the other<br>is for computing.so i need to start the mpd with the computing eth networks.<br>for example,i have two computer,named:c0101,c0102<br>/etc/hosts:<br> c0101<br> c0102<br> g0101<br> g0102<br>/root/.rhosts:<br> c0101<br> c0102<br> g0101<br> g0102<br>
/root/hosts:<br> c0101:8<br> c0102:8<br>/root/ghosts:<br> g0101:8<br> g0102:8<br>i can start mpd with mpdboot:mpdboot -n 2 -f /root/hosts -r rsh,but i can<br>not start a job with:mpiexec -machinefile /root/ghosts -np 16 /root/cpi.<br>
<br>when i want to start mpd with:mpdboot -n 2 -f /root/ghosts -r rsh,report:<br>invalid machine names.but i really need to start my job with computing eth<br>network,so what do i need to write in /root/ghosts?<br>ps: i could not rename my computer.