Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to use the real time animator available in MPE to visualise MPI communication over our cluster here at Bristol.<br>I
got jumpshot and regular logging working perfectly using the examples
very quickly, however I would like to be able to visualise the
communication. I could not see any examples other than collchk and
logging in my version's examples? (mpe2-1.3.0).<br>
<br>The links to the user guide at the bottom of the MPE software page seem to be
dead and redirect back to the MPICH page, is there another location for
the most recent edition of the user guide?<br>Also, I would like to be
able to save the visualisation to disk, since it is running on the
cluster I won't be able to see any xwindows to spawn. Is it possible to,
say, have the master thread save the visualisation?<br>
<br>Many thanks in advance,<br><br>Ed