Hello all, <br><br>I am reading pgm images with MPI_file_read.<br><br>Until now I read a file only as shown below: <br><br>
- -<br>
- Pr 0 - <br>
- -<br>
- Pr 1 - <br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
- -<br>
- Pr 2 - <br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
- -<br>
- Pr 3 - <br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>This time I have to read it as shown below. Is it possible to say the processes to read the file like this:<br>
<br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br>- - -<br>- - - <br>- Pr 0 - Pr 1 -<br>
- - -<br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br>- - -<br>- Pr 2 - Pr 3 - <br>
- - -<br>- - - <br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Can we give this structure with <span class="st"><em>MPI_Set_view or something else? <br>
<br></em></span>Best Regards,<br>