Hello all,<br><br>I meet a MPI error now. I modified my previous code (the previous is F77 and OK ) to F90 and the error is given as follows (using 27 processes,but just get 26 or less processes' information):<br><br> rank=: 0 1780 6<br>
rank=: 2 656 6<br> rank=: 4 1825 6<br> rank=: 8 425 6<br> rank=: 16 1233 6<br> rank=: 12 1859 6<br>
rank=: 6 1171 6<br> rank=: 20 434 6<br> rank=: 5 668 6<br> rank=: 14 688 6<br> rank=: 21 1208 6<br>
rank=: 18 1174 6<br> rank=: 24 779 6<br> rank=: 7 1186 6<br> rank=: 10 1841 6<br> rank=: 17 433 6<br>
rank=: 11 688 6<br> rank=: 22 1216 6<br> rank=: 19 1189 6<br> rank=: 25 792 6<br> rank=: 3 1808 6<br>
rank=: 15 1213 6<br> rank=: 13 1895 6<br> rank=: 1 1788 6<br> rank=: 9 1815 6<br> rank=: 23 441 6<br>
[mpiexec@fn-148-148] ONE OF THE PROCESSES TERMINATED BADLY: CLEANING UP<br>APPLICATION TERMINATED WITH THE EXIT STRING: Terminated (signal 15)<br clear="all"><br>it is a particle simulation program, and the corresponding code is:<br>
<br> !send to upper and receive from bottom<br> num = 0 ; num_tmp = 0<br> do i = 0 , nx+1<br> do j = 0 , ny+1<br> p = last_particle_in_cell(i,j,nz)<br> do while(p>0)<br> num = num + 1<br>
if(num > num_send) print*, 'Please enlarge the number of sent ghost - "num_send"' , num , num_send<br> send_ghost(num) = particle_vector(p)%basic_particle<br> p = particle_pointer(p)<br>
end do<br> end do<br> end do<br> write(*,*) 'rank=:' , rank , num , 6<br> if(mod(cpu_coords(1)+cpu_coords(2)+cpu_coords(3),2) == 0) then<br> call MPI_SEND(num , 1 , MPI_INTEGER , upper_nbr , tag_tmp6 , GRID_COMM , ierror)<br>
call MPI_RECV(num_tmp , 1 , MPI_INTEGER , bottom_nbr , tag_tmp6 , GRID_COMM , stat , ierror)<br> end if<br> if(mod(cpu_coords(1)+cpu_coords(2)+cpu_coords(3),2) == 1) then<br> call MPI_RECV(num_tmp , 1 , MPI_INTEGER , bottom_nbr , tag_tmp6 , GRID_COMM , stat , ierror)<br>
call MPI_SEND(num , 1 , MPI_INTEGER , upper_nbr , tag_tmp6 , GRID_COMM , ierror)<br> end if<br> call MPI_BARRIER(GRID_COMM , ierror)<br> if(mod(cpu_coords(1)+cpu_coords(2)+cpu_coords(3),2) == 0) then<br>
! if(num > 0) call MPI_SEND(send_ghost , num , ghost_data_mpi , upper_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , ierror)<br> call MPI_SEND(send_ghost , num , ghost_data_mpi , upper_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , ierror)<br>
! if(num_tmp > 0) call MPI_RECV(recv_ghost , num_tmp , ghost_data_mpi , &<br>! bottom_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , stat , ierror)<br> call MPI_RECV(recv_ghost , num_tmp , ghost_data_mpi , &<br>
bottom_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , stat , ierror)<br> end if<br> if(mod(cpu_coords(1)+cpu_coords(2)+cpu_coords(3),2) == 1) then<br>! if(num_tmp > 0) call MPI_RECV(recv_ghost , num_tmp , ghost_data_mpi , &<br>
! bottom_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , stat , ierror)<br> call MPI_RECV(recv_ghost , num_tmp , ghost_data_mpi , &<br> bottom_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , stat , ierror)<br>
! if(num > 0) call MPI_SEND(send_ghost , num , ghost_data_mpi , upper_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , ierror)<br> call MPI_SEND(send_ghost , num , ghost_data_mpi , upper_nbr , upper_tag , GRID_COMM , ierror)<br>
end if<br> call MPI_BARRIER(GRID_COMM , ierror)<br> if(num_tmp > 0) then<br> do i = 1 , num_tmp<br> particle_vector(ghost_pointer+i-1)%basic_particle = recv_ghost(i)<br> end do<br> end if<br>
ghost_pointer = ghost_pointer + num_tmp<br> write(*,*) 'rank =: ',rank,upper_nbr,' num =: ' , num , ' num_tmp =:' , num_tmp<br> if(ghost_pointer > max_num_particle_per_cpu+max_num_ghost_per_cpu) then<br>
print*, 'should enlarge "max_num_ghost_per_cpu" and/or "max_num_particle_per_cpu"',ghost_pointer,num_tmp<br> end if<br> if(num_tmp > 0) then<br> left = 1 ; right = 1 <br>
i = ghost_pointer-num_tmp<br> do while(i <= ghost_pointer-1) <br> if(particle_vector(i)%basic_particle%global_index /= 0) then<br> call get_index(particle_vector(i)%basic_particle%coor(1),rmax,coor_box(1,1),coor_box(1,2),ind(1))<br>
call get_index(particle_vector(i)%basic_particle%coor(2),rmax,coor_box(2,1),coor_box(2,2),ind(2))<br> call get_index(particle_vector(i)%basic_particle%coor(3),rmax,coor_box(3,1),coor_box(3,2),ind(3))<br>
if(ind(3) ==0 .and. ind(1)>=0 .and. ind(1)<=nx+1 .and. ind(2)>=0 .and. ind(2)<=ny+1) then<br> call add_cell_link(max_num_particle_per_cpu+max_num_ghost_per_cpu,nx,ny,nz,left,right, ind(1), ind(2), ind(3) , &<br>
i,particle_pointer,last_particle_in_cell)<br> end if<br> end if <br> i = i + 1<br> end do<br> end if<br>
call MPI_BARRIER(GRID_COMM , ierror)<br><br>Please someone help me to fix it. Thank you very much.<br><br>-- <br>Your sincerely,<br>Sc Deng<br><br>