<HTML><BODY>Dear Sirs,<br><br>I would like to have a kind of MPI for OpenVMS.<br>There is a need to arrange communications between processes<br>within a single SMP Alpha system driven by OpenVMS using MPI library<br>to preserve existing parallel code based on MPI.<br>Minimum subset of MPI is required: asynchronous<br>point-to-point communications under MPI_COMM_WORLD.<br>Is it possible to port MPICH to OpenVMS?<br>Is it an easy or a sophisticated task?<br>Could I do it myself?<br><br>Any information would be useful.<br><br>Regards<br>Vladimir Yumashev<br>Assoc.Prof.<br>Moscow Inst. of Physics & Technology (MFTI)<br>+7-495-556-6554</BODY></HTML>