Hi,<br><br>I have tried to installed recent version of MPICH2 in Scientific Linux 6. The machine contains 2 Xeon X5650 processors (each having 6 cores). Apparently I was able to install MPICH2 without any problem (thanks for the wonderful installation guide). "which mpiexec" and "which mpicc" show the correct PATH. <br>
<br>mpiexec -n 2 ./count.out<br><br>while running this homemade small counting program (count.c attached here), system monitor shows only one core (not even one processor) is taking the entire load. count.c was compiled using gcc (not mpigcc). <br>
<br>Also, I found that the commands like mpd or mpdboot or mpdtrace returns "Command not found".<br><br>I am attaching here the c.txt, m.txt (as advised in the guides) also the small counting program (count.c).<br>
<br>It will be of great help if anyone can show me the root of the problem and perhaps the solution.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>C. B. Basak<br><br>