.hmmessage P
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Hello everybody!<BR>
I'm newbie with MPI, so I think I need your help!<BR>
I want to tell you what is my problem:<BR>
I have 2 computers connected with Infiniband adapters. On both PCs I'm running Windows XP, and I have installed the correspondent drivers. Then I configured the subnet, and it's possible for me to ping one PC with the other.<BR>
After that, I installed MPICH2 (for Windows).<BR>
I want to run a simple "Hello World" program (programmed in C), but in the moment when I want to run the program using MPIEXEC, I obtain the following message:<BR>
Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:<BR>MPIR_Init_thread<388>..........:<BR>MPID_Init<315>.................: channel initialization failed<BR>MPDIDI_CH3_Init<38>............:<BR>MPID_nem_init<234>.............:<BR>MPID_nem_newtcp_module_init<90>:<BR>MPID_nem_newtcp_module_init<89>: unable to create a socket. No se puede cargar o inicializar el proveedor de servicios solicitado.<BR><errno 10106><BR>
Am I doing something wrong?<BR>
Please! Help me! I'm newbie with MPI.<BR>
>From Bariloche (Argentina)<BR><BR>
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