[mpiexec@ranjit] HYDU_parse_hostfile (./utils/args/args.c:276): unable to open host file: machinefile [mpiexec@ranjit] mfile_fn (./ui/mpich/utils.c:207): error parsing hostfile [mpiexec@ranjit] match_arg (./utils/args/args.c:115): match handler returned error [mpiexec@ranjit] HYDU_parse_array (./utils/args/args.c:140): argument matching returned error [mpiexec@ranjit] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters (./ui/mpich/utils.c:1033): error parsing input array Usage: ./mpiexec [global opts] [exec1 local opts] : [exec2 local opts] : ... Global options (passed to all executables): Global environment options: -genv {name} {value} environment variable name and value -genvlist {env1,env2,...} environment variable list to pass -genvnone do not pass any environment variables -genvall pass all environment variables (default) Other global options: -f {name} file containing the host names -hosts {host list} comma separated host list -wdir {dirname} working directory to use -configfile {name} config file containing MPMD launch options Local options (passed to individual executables): Local environment options: -env {name} {value} environment variable name and value -envlist {env1,env2,...} environment variable list to pass -envnone do not pass any environment variables -envall pass all environment variables (default) Other local options: -n/-np {value} number of processes {exec_name} {args} executable name and arguments Hydra specific options (treated as global): Bootstrap options: -bootstrap bootstrap server to use (ssh rsh fork slurm ll lsf sge persist) -bootstrap-exec executable to use to bootstrap processes -enable-x/-disable-x enable or disable X forwarding Resource management kernel options: -rmk resource management kernel to use (none pbs) Hybrid programming options: -ranks-per-proc assign so many ranks to each process Process-core binding options: -binding process-to-core binding mode -bindlib process-to-core binding library (hwloc plpa) Checkpoint/Restart options: -ckpoint-interval checkpoint interval -ckpoint-prefix checkpoint file prefix -ckpoint-num checkpoint number to restart -ckpointlib checkpointing library (none) Demux engine options: -demux demux engine (poll select) Other Hydra options: -verbose verbose mode -info build information -print-rank-map print rank mapping -print-all-exitcodes print exit codes of all processes -iface network interface to use -ppn processes per node -profile turn on internal profiling -prepend-rank prepend rank to output -nameserver name server information (host:port format) -disable-auto-cleanup don't cleanup processes on error