Hi,<br><br>I have a "strange" MPI problem when I run a WRF-NMM model, compiled with Intel v11.1.072 (by GNU run ok!).<br>Mpich2-1.2 also is compiled by Intel.<br><br><b>If I run on a single Quad-core machine everything is ok</b>, <b>but when I try on two or more Quad-core machine</b>,<br>
initially the wrf.exe processes seem start on every pc, but after few second wrf stop and I get the error:<br><b>Fatal error in MPI_Allreduce other mpi error error stack..</b> and so on...<br><br>I just set: "ulimit -s unlimited", otherwise wrf crash also with a single machine...<br>
<br>This probably is an MPI problem, but how can I fix it?<br>
<br>Thank you very much<br>Fabio.<br>