I am trying to compile a Boost MPI by following the instruction on <a href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/doc/html/mpi/getting_started.html#mpi.config">http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/doc/html/mpi/getting_started.html#mpi.config</a><br>
<br>Right now, I am trying the listed MPI implementation, and I am stuck on one issue: I cannot find mpic++. In the bin directory of MPICH2, I see that there is mpiexec.exe, along with other binaries, but no mpic++. I downloaded the Windows IA32 (binary) file, so there is no need to build, am I correct? In this case, if I am to acquire mpic++ or similar MPI wrapper compiler, how do I acquire one?<br>