Hello all,<br><br>I have succesfully compiled blcr-0.8.2 and the target is in /mirror/blcr.<br><br>Then I Install MPICH 2-1.3a2 that support BLCR, and the target is in /mirror/mpich2blcr.<br>I installed it by :<br>./configure --prefix=/mirror/mpich2blcr --with-blcr=/mirror/blcr --with-blcr-include=/mirror/blcr/include --with-blcr-lib=/mirror/blcr/lib<br>
After that :<br>make<br>sudo make install<br><br>And it shows no error.<br><br>My cluster is consisted of 11 computers with debian.<br><br>Then I compile. After that I execute the program my CG program with :<br>mpiexec -ckpointlib blcr -ckpoint-interval 4 -ckpoint-prefix /tmp/app.ckpoint ./cg bcsstk18.mtx<br>
<br>It seems that checkpoint process is success, since i found 'requested checkpointing... checkpointing completed' every 4 seconds.<br><br>But, why I can't found the checkpoint file in /tmp/app.ckpoint?<br>Is all my above procedures correct?<br>
<br>Thanks for your answers.<br><br>Best regards,<br>Bagus<br>