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</style><p>Dear Sir,<br /><br /> I think that there is something wrong in my mpich2 setting. My workstation is a cluster which includes 1 node for log-in and 4 nodes for calculation. Each node has 2 cpus. Log-in node is not used for calculating. But I think that my mpich2 environment doesn't recognize all cpus on calculation nodes. A result of "mpdtrace -l" is as below<br /><br />[kyu99@cas01 4dvar]$ mpdtrace -l<br />cas01_39485 (<br />cas02_35456 (<br />cas03_38213 (<br />cas04_32920 (<br /><br /> The result of "mpdtrace" seems to recognize all calcuation nodes. But, when specific executables run, the result is like this :<br /><br />[kyu99@cas01 4dvar]$ mpiexec -n 2 da_wrfvar.exe : -n 4 ad/wrfplus.exe : -n 2 nl/wrf.exe <br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br />starting wrf task 0 of 1<br /><br /> I think that this message means that my mpich2 uses only 1 processor. Is it right? If my thought is right, how can I fix this problem? Please let me know how to fix it. Thank you!!<br /><br />Best regards, <br /><br />NK Noh</p>