Dear every one:<br> I am try to use the function of "MPI_Type_create_f90_real" to select the MPI send data type. But when I link the program, it shows I can't find the library.<br>"Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MPI_TYPE_CREATE_F90_REAL referenced in function _MAIN__ TEST " <br>
<br>Does anyone knows which library I need to add, the library "fmpe.lib" and "fmpich2.lib" are already add to the linker. Below is the attached program.<br>Many thanks<br>Regards Haihua.<br><br>PROGRAM MAIN<br>
USE mpi<br>INTEGER(KIND=4),PARAMETER::p = 12,r=37;<br>INTEGER(KIND=4),PARAMETER:: realKind =selected_real_kind(p,r)<br>INTEGER(KIND=4):: MPI_INT_KIND,info;<br>CALL MPI_Type_create_f90_real(p,r,MPI_INT_KIND,info);<br><br>write(*,*) realKind;<br>
Write(*,*) PRECISION(x),range(x);<br><br>END<br>