Hello again,<br><br>I'm having troubles running the example cpi after having mpich2 running on several (OSX) computers. As you can see below, built-in commands work, but the example cpi does not, as if the program is not being transferred to the remote nodes. I can ssh to any of these nodes and create files/folders etc...:<br>
<br>[23:32:13]fredrik:~/mpich2/builddir$mpdtrace<br>fredrik<br>mb13<br>imac24<br>[23:32:17]fredrik:~/mpich2/builddir$mpiexec -n 3 hostname<br>fredrik.local<br>imac24.local<br>mb13.local<br>[23:32:25]fredrik:~/mpich2/builddir$mpiexec -n 1 examples/cpi<br>
Process 0 of 1 is on fredrik.local<br>pi is approximately 3.1415926544231341, Error is 0.0000000008333410<br>wall clock time = 0.000318<br>[23:32:35]fredrik:~/mpich2/builddir$mpiexec -n 3 examples/cpi<br>problem with execution of examples/cpi on imac24.local: [Errno 2] No such file or directory <br>
problem with execution of examples/cpi on mb13.local: [Errno 2] No such file or directory <br><br><br>thanks again,<br>thomas blom, austin tx<br><br><br><br>