<div dir="ltr"><div id="inbdy"><a name="msg_119703f22a1c428b"></a>I am using MPICH2 1.0.7 with Windows XP SP3. The compiler is Intel <br>Visual Fortran 10.1. <br>
<p>I compiled the following code. <br>====================== <br>
<p>program aaa <br> use MPI <br> implicit none <br> integer :: ierr, myid, numprocs <br> integer :: i <br> real(8) :: a(10) <br>
<p> ! initialization of MPI <br> CALL MPI_INIT( ierr ) <br> CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, ierr ) <br> CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( MPI_COMM_WORLD, numprocs, ierr ) <br>
<p> a = 0.0_8 <br>
<p> do while (.true.) <br> call mpi_display_real_array(myid, a) <br> enddo <br>
<p> CALL MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) <br>contains <br>
<p> SUBROUTINE mpi_display_real_array(myid, num) <br> integer myid <br> REAL(8) :: num(:) <br> WRITE(*,*) myid, num <br> RETURN <br> END SUBROUTINE mpi_display_real_array <br>end program aaa <br>
<p>================== <br>
<p>And be able to run it with 'mpiexec -n 1 test.exe' on my local <br>computer. test.f90 is the name of the source code. Number of <br>processors here is irrelavant, I used 1. <br>
<p>I noticed after running it, the memory cost of the 'smpd' process <br>kept increasing, which I did not expect. Anybody knows what I did <br>wrong here? <br>
<p>Thanks. <br></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></div></div>