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<div> Thank you very much for your attention.</div>
<div> I am developing one MPI program in C. It is linked with multiple *.o files. However, when I was testing the program, I found it stuck at MPI_Init() if I start the program on multiple nodes.</div>
<div> However, I can run the program on one node, even for multiple processes.</div>
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<div>Then I code a small piece of MPI program which comes from only one *.o file and use mpirun to test it. It runs fine.</div>
<div>And I compiled the program on one node and ran the shared version of executable file on those nodes. So I don't think there are any problems with version.</div>
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<div>What do you think the problem is?</div>
<div> Thank you very much.</div>
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<div> Thomas</div></div>