Hi All,<br><br><br> A cpmd parallel job which is compiled with MPICH( MPICH is compiled with ifort 10) gave following error:<br><span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255); font-family: trebuchet ms,sans-serif;"><br># mpirun -machinefile /export/M4 -np 4 ./cpmd.x /opt/APPLICATIONS/CPMD/singlemo</span><span style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">l.input > single4.out</span><br>
Killed by signal 2.<br>forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)<br>Killed by signal 2.<br>Killed by signal 2.<br><br>If only one process is used and without redirection, the following error occurred:<br><br>p0_16857: p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11<br>
<br><br>But a CPMD serial job works fine. <br>
Can any one tell me what p4_error, SIGINT, SIGSEGV mean?<br><br>Regards,<br>Sangamesh<br>