<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; text-decoration: none;">Thanks to the
response from many in the community I have added sections about
diskless clusters and information on 32-bit and 64-bit processors at
the site I help run, <a href="http://www.clusterbuilder.org/">www.ClusterBuilder.org.</a>
I also added a section called Ask the Cluster Expert (<a href="http://www.clusterbuilder.org/pages/ask-the-expert.php">http://www.clusterbuilder.org/pages/ask-the-expert.php</a>) for people
to submit questions they have about cluster and grid computing. I
post the questions at an FAQ page
(<a href="http://www.clusterbuilder.org/pages/ask-the-expert/faq.php">http://www.clusterbuilder.org/pages/ask-the-expert/faq.php</a>)
and then research the answer as well as allow those knowledgeable in
the community to submit a response to the question. I want to build
a valuable knowledgebase of high performance computing information.
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; text-decoration: none;">I need you to
share your knowledge by adding to the question responses and also
submitting questions/answers to common problems you've experienced in
the past and are experiencing now.
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; text-decoration: none;"> A sample question could be about the differences between MPI's or benefits of certain MPI's.<br>