[mpich-discuss] MPI_Allreduce fail. Please help. (UPDATE) (WINDOWS XP 32bit+gfortran)

Yonghui lyh03259.aps at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 17:11:11 CDT 2012

Hello MPICH2 users and developers,


I did some more tests on a Windows XP 32bit machine with MPICH2 32bit and
MinGW 32bit compilers. The code in my previous email failed when calling
MPI_Allreduce in fortran. So here are the results:


1.       Works on Linux (Ubuntu 11.10) and OS X (thanks to Rajeev Thakur's
email). But fail on Windows xp 32bit and  Windows 7 64bit (running the 32bit

2.       No problem if the matrix is much smaller (e.g. 10x10x10 matrix).

3.       Works if not using MPI_IN_PLACE.


So I  guess it could be a MPI_IN_PLACE problem happened in the windows
version fortran functions.

Or it could be the problem of MinGW?


The c code works fine. And in c version MPI_IN_PLACE = 0xffffffff but
fortran version MPI_IN_PLACE is 0. I can't tell whether they should be
different since I don't know how does it implemented.


Please help me out! Thanks.



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