[mpich-discuss] DataType Problem

Michele Rosso michele.rosso84 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 02:15:03 CST 2011


I am developing a subroutine to handle the communication inside a group
of processors.
The source code is attached.

Such subroutine is contained in a module and accesses many of the data
it needs and the header "mpi.h" from another module (pmu_var). 

As an input I have a 3D array (work1) which is allocated in the main
program. As an output I have another 3D matrix (work2) which is
allocated in the main program too. Both of them are of type complex and
have intent INOUT (I wanna use the subroutine in a reversible way ). 

Since the data I wanna send are not contiguous, I defined several data
types. Then I tested all of them with a simple send-receive
communication in the group "mpi_comm_world".
The problem arises when I tested the data type "temp3": the esecution of
the program stops and I receive the error:

rank 0 in job 8  enterprise_45569   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 0: killed by signal 9 

Notice that work1 and work2 have different size but the same shape and
the data type should be coherent with them.

Has anyone and idea of which the problem could be?

Thanks in advance,

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