[mpich-discuss] MPI_Recv crashes with mpd ring

Jain, Rohit Rohit_Jain at mentor.com
Tue Feb 15 16:44:08 CST 2011



I am using MPICH2 version 2-1.06 to run a parallel application on
multiple Linux machines using mpd ring.


I created the ring on 4 machines:

mpdtrace -l






Then I ran the application using mpiexec:

mpiexec -np 1 a.exec arg1:       -np 1 a.exec arg2  :       -np1 a.exec
arg3  :       -np 1 a.exec arg4


Application does start and runs for a while, then it crashes in MPI_Recv
with following error:


Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Error message texts are not available

rank 2 in job 1 mach1_55761   caused collective abort of all ranks

  exit status of rank 2: killed by signal 9


On re-run, it crashes with same error, but at a different time.


Same environment works fine, when run on multiple cores of single SMP
machine, instead of mpd ring.


I tried totalview, but it also exits without any useful information. 


How do I debug/cure this problem?





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