[mpich-discuss] mpich runs

Luis Del Castillo luis.delcastillo at cathalac.org
Tue Oct 19 17:30:25 CDT 2010

Hi fellows my name is Luis Alejandro Del Castillo and am  having issues to figure it out why if run  mpirun twice with the same configuration give me 2 different answers.


wrf at cl2master-> ./mpirun -np 5 ../examples/cpi

Process 0 on cl2master

Process 1 on node1

Process 3 on node3

Process 4 on node4

Process 2 on node2

pi is approximately 3.1416009869231245, Error is 0.0000083333333314

wall clock time = 0.007812

wrf at cl2master-> ./mpirun -np 5 ../examples/cpi

Process 0 on cl2master

Process 3 on node3

Process 1 on node1

Process 2 on node2

Process 4 on node4

pi is approximately 3.1416009869231245, Error is 0.0000083333333314

wall clock time = 0.000000

wrf at cl2master->


I have a Quad Core Beowulf cluster with 11 nodes (1 master , 10 slaves) all the same configuration.

I want to do this because I am trying to explain the performance doing some graph. 





Luis Alejandro Del Castillo Riley

luis.delcastillo at cathalac.org

Soporte de Tecnología / IT Support  



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