[MPICH] debug flag

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at ece.northwestern.edu
Sat May 26 21:47:37 CDT 2007

The machine is a Cray XT3, 4. The batch is PBS and the command to launch 
an MPI job is "yod" as described in the user guide.

I tried to replace yod with mpich mpdboot and mpiexec, etc. I also used 
the PBS environment variable PBS_NODEFILE in mpdboot, but the node file 
does not contain the hostnames of nodes allocated by the PBS. It actually 
always contains just one yod node, no matter how many nodes I request in 
PBS script.

Any idea of how to do it?


On Sat, 26 May 2007, Rajeev Thakur wrote:

> Are you sure you can't run your own MPICH2 on the machine? It is just a
> user-level library. Once the scheduler assigns you a set of nodes, you can
> run mpd and your own mpiexec.
> Rajeev

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