[Fwd: [MPICH] how to run only nodes?]

Javier Vázquez javama4 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 07:10:40 CST 2005

Hello, well if you are using MPICH2 you can use "mpdrun" there is a flag 
"-hf" which you can put the nodes in a file that you want to run your 
processes, read about mpd before doing this, with mpiexec it's  a little 
hard, but you can do it anyway.

mpiexec -n 1 -host login1 myprog : -n 1 -host login2 myprog : -n 1 -host 
login3 myprog : ............. -n 1 -host login16 myprog

"-n 1" will depend how many processes you want to start per node.

think about mpdrun ;). I am not an admin, but maybe you could do 
something with some queue systems too. (PBS, LoadLeveler).

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Subject: [MPICH] how to run only nodes?
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