<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"><p>We are happy to announce the release of HDFql 2.1.0!</p><p>This version includes:</p><p>- <strong>Added support for direct chunk write/read into/from datasets (to greatly increase performance)</strong> - thanks to Mark (University of Chicago, USA), Xiaoqiang (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), Ulrik (Diamond Light Source, UK), Tobias (Imperial College London, UK) and Stefan (Fermilab, USA) for the feedback.</p><p>- <strong>Added wrapper for Python version 3.7.x</strong></p><p>- <strong>Added capability to open an HDF5 file, define/manipulate/query/introspect objects (i.e. groups, datasets, attributes, (soft) links or external links) and, afterwards, close the file in one go (in all relevant operations - e.g. "CREATE DATASET", "INSERT" and "SELECT")</strong></p><p>- <strong>Updated reference manual</strong></p><p>(Please check the release notes for further details)</p><p>For heads up on releases and the latest on HDFql, we welcome you to connect on <a href="http://twitter.com/hdfql">twitter.com/hdfql</a><br><br></p></body></html>