[POOL] Argonne Pool League Start up and Dave Grimm

Bass, Dean Allen bass at anl.gov
Tue Sep 8 13:08:31 CDT 2020

League starting soon.  We are 2 weeks from our proposed start date of Sept 22  and we need to know where everyone stands and how many players we can get to play.  Based on July responses, some of you are out, some are in and some are on the fence.  I feel we are close to having enough but we will likely need some additional recruiting.  I want to work hard to make everyone that decides to return feels safe.  Hopefully this can happen with some reasonable safety procedures.  I would like feedback (again) on who’s playing and what sort of procedures you want to see to make you feel comfortable.  Here is some of the ideas we have been considering.

Face masks and social distancing.  These are the 2 most important items and we must all do this.  Face masks must be worn at all times except when eating or drinking.  This is most important when we are within 6 feet of others.  When playing allow extra room and time for people shooting on the adjacent tables.

Scheduling matches.  I am suggesting we schedule matches and that non scheduled players not congregate around the pool tables.  You can come at your scheduled time and leave or watch from periscope at Q’s out side seating or other areas.  Our periscope feeds allow us to spectate better than other leagues and I hope we can take advantage of that.  I am suggesting scheduled times of 4pm (earliest available); 5pm; 6pm; 7:30pm; 9pm.  I am expecting crowd densities at the Q to be lower than we’ve seen in the past, but you can really avoid crowds by taking a 4pm slot.

Equipment.  It seems contact exposure is lower than originally thought for this virus, but we will have hand sanitizer and the option to sanitize balls and tables between matches for those that want it.  Individuals should wash their hands before and after playing.  No handshaking.

Scoring.  I am thinking I will email the weeks scoresheets and that scores be reported to me via text or email.  I will then report results electronically for confirmation.

Computer experts.  If some of you have ideas on scheduling apps or scoring apps, let me know, I’d love to incorporate something like that.

Things are changing.  This is a work in progress, we can implement stricter guidance as we see fit and hopefully, in very short order we can begin to relax requirements.  This will all be based on guidance from the Q, government requirements, and our own league preferences.  The social part of pool is a good portion of why we all participate and we must be patient until we can better incorporate this part back into the game.

Be nice.  People have been at each other too much lately, so regardless of your view, we should not judge one another for our decisions regarding this virus.

New Players.  I know some people have moved so even if everyone wants to come back, we will need new players.  So please let me know if you know someone who might want to join our league.

Dave Grimm.  Our league has been invited by the family of Dave Grimm to participate in a memorial.  I have attached a flyer.  I hope to attend.

Hope to see you all in a couple of weeks.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Karle Blahut <k.mypassionforyou at gmail.com<mailto:k.mypassionforyou at gmail.com>>
Subject: Fwd: Dave’s celebration of life
Date: September 1, 2020 at 1:01:57 PM CDT
To: "Bass, Dean Allen" <bass at anl.gov<mailto:bass at anl.gov>>

Hi I am forwarding the info of Dave's celebration of life
It should have a picture attached
Lmk if it all went through ok thx xoxo

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Amy <amygrimmtorres at gmail.com<mailto:amygrimmtorres at gmail.com>>
Date: Tue, Sep 1, 2020, 12:55 PM
Subject: Dave’s celebration of life
To: <k.mypassionforyou at gmail.com<mailto:k.mypassionforyou at gmail.com>>

Hi Karle

I hope you are well.
Please find the information for my dad’s celebration of life. Please pass on to the pool league. We hope you can make it out.

Sent from my iPhone

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