[POOL] Proposed Rule Changes

Martin, Tami tamim at anl.gov
Thu Dec 20 15:34:36 CST 2018

I'm not sure I agree with the payment for make-up games.  Just a few years ago, our team was having a hard time getting enough players each week.  The penalty rule for make-ups is good enough for me.  It might be good to request if a table or two be available before league play to use for make-up games.  We should check on forfeit rules.


On 12/20/18, 2:04 PM, "mcs-pool on behalf of John Valdes via mcs-pool" <mcs-pool-bounces at mcs.anl.gov on behalf of mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

    On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 07:13:13PM +0000, McLain, Derek via mcs-pool wrote:
    > Personally, I also don't have any issues with the match-up changes.  I also agree that in our case the extra charge won't change anything for us.  If we don't have enough people we don't have enough people.  I think playing twice is not a terrible solution, but opens the door to a team only fielding four players and having one play twice because it benefits them based on possible matchups instead of them actually not having enough people.  I don't think a team would do that... but it seems like it invites abuse to me.
    Agreed that there is the potential for abuse, so I also suggested that
    the decision of playing the makeup the same night is up to the team
    that has all their players.  If it's to their disadvantage to play the
    match the same night (eg, the only player left to play 2 matches is
    Dean), then they have the choice of deferring to another week.  Also,
    technically, I believe it's still in the roles that team w/ all their
    players can claim a forfeit instead of a make-up.  Teams haven't done
    that in ages though, 'cause we'd all rather play pool than collect
    forfeits. :)

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