[POOL] Fall Pool League

Hovland, Paul hovland at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Aug 30 10:04:46 CDT 2016

I should be available later in the season, but I’m on travel for 3 out of the first 4 weeks.  After that, I should be available most Tuesdays except for 11/15 and maybe 11/29.


On 8/30/16, 12:25 AM, "mcs-pool-bounces at mcs.anl.gov on behalf of John Valdes" <mcs-pool-bounces at mcs.anl.gov on behalf of j-valdes at comcast.net> wrote:

    Hi Moe!
    Summer's almost over sadly, but that means Fall Pool League is just
    around the corner.  The next season of pool is scheduled to start Tue,
    Sep 20.  Schedule, venue and fees will be the same as last year: Tue's
    starting at 6PM at Q Billiards on 63rd in Downers Grove.
    A few items for the new season:
    * We should vote on a team captain.  I'm fine continuing on as captain
      for the coming season, but if someone else would like to be captain,
      I have no objection.
    * What is everyone's availability this fall?  I should be available
      most weeks, usually after 8 PM.  I'll likely be out of town 11/15
      and either 12/6 or 12/13.
    * We have $450 in winnings from last spring which we'll use to cover
      our league dues and match fees for the start of the fall season.
      $450 should get us through about 10 weeks.

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