[POOL] Game called for 6PM

John Valdes j-valdes at comcast.net
Tue Apr 26 10:38:11 CDT 2016

Tonight is the last night of the season.  The Hawks may have lost, :( but
Moe will win!

The pool and food (pizza) is free tonight, paid for by the league.  We
have a couple of gift certificates (one for $50 and one for $20) which
we can use for our bar tab, so the booze is free tonight too!  First
one at Q, start a team tab (in my name, if they let you), and everyone
be sure to put your beverages on the tab.

We're playing X-Cue-Ses to determine 5th and 6th place.  BTW, last
week we shutout Get More with Les, 3-0, thanks to the strong play by
Martino, Roger and Paul L, taking out Manuel(?), Les and Glen, 2:2 (in
a 2:3), 2:2 (2:6) and 2:1 (2:4), respectively.


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