[POOL] Game called for 6PM

John Valdes valdes at anl.gov
Tue Oct 1 14:05:25 CDT 2013

Hi Team Moe,

FYI for our new players, I've added you to our team mailing list,
mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov, as well as to our web-based sign-up roster,
http://stace.com/pool/ .  If you're planning to come out to Q, please
signup on the website; likewise, if you know you can't come out,
"unsignup" on the website (there's an option you can check to indicate
that you're not available).  That way we know who to expect.  Sending
an email to the list works too.  Also, sending a note to the list
indicating when you plan to arrive at Q and when you need to leave
would be useful so we know when to expect you (maybe we can add a
field for that to the web sign-up form).

I should be at Q at 6 today and there for the whole evening.  Hope to
see you there!


PS. If you didn't receive the initial Call for Pool email, please let
    me know.

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