[POOL] Results

John Valdes valdes at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jan 4 17:23:58 CST 2012

New Session, OPERATION KICK ASS in action.

Our first target was Retarded Monkeys, Dennis's team. 

Craig went first against Alan in a 2:6.  Leading the charge, our
fearless Capt'n KICKED ASS, taking Alan down in 2 games, 2:0, in 15

Eric was next against Ken in a 3:2.  The one week break wasn't good
for Eric unfortunately, as he struggled to find his stroke.  He went
down, 0:2.

I played next against Dennis in a 2:6.  My aim was mostly on, but so
was Dennis's, so despite getting to the 8 first in the first two
games, I wasn't able to secure a win 'til the 5th game.  In the 6th,
Dennis started putting a run together which ended abruptly when the
cue worked its way through a crowd of balls to the 8, kicking it
into the side pocket before its time, giving me a 2nd win and the
match, 2:4.  KICK ASS!

Paul R went next against Mike M in a 1:8.  The one week break was very
good for Paul, with Paul KICKING ASS by putting two good runs together
to get to the 8 well before Mike.  When Mike then failed to hit one of
his balls on his turn at the table, he gave Paul ball-in-hand on the
8, which Paul easily deposited into a corner pocket for the match win,
1:0 and his first win since joining the team.  Way to go, Paul!

Last was Az against Rich in a 3:5.  Az was shooting well, and traded
wins with Rich to take a quick 2:1 lead.  As usual, Rich hunkered down
by playing tough defense to win the next 2 games, but Az wouldn't
stand for it and KICKED Rich's ASS to win the 6th game and the match,

So a great start to the Winter session for Team Moe with 4 wins!  Next
week we KICK ASS against Mr mR.

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