[POOL] Availability this season.

Craig Stacey stace at stace.com
Tue Jan 3 16:14:01 CST 2012

We had some really lean weeks last session.  However, at the moment, almost all the slots on our team are filled.  I'd like to recruit players, but don't know who (if anyone) to drop from the list.  

If you're planning to play with some regularity this year (at *least* 4 of the next 14 weeks of the regular season), speak up.  We have 11 total slots on the team, with one unfilled right now.  If you don't plan on being available, let me know so I have an idea of how hard I should be recruiting new players.

If you know nights you can and can't make it, fill out this poll here: http://www.doodle.com/qb3tpa8pdiae6ymq

We're playing every Tuesday from now (1/3) to 4/24, including playoffs.  I've put the nights I can't make it on the poll.  If you don't know, just leave those days blank - only fill in the ones you know.  It isn't binding, but it helps to predict lean weeks and plan accordingly.

Oh, and carrying over the remainders of our winnings, we have $200 plus whatever we got for our stellar last place finish last session.  We'll continue paying for pool fees with that until it's dried up.

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