[POOL] Last night's results

John Valdes valdes at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 20 16:47:43 CDT 2010

We played X-cue-ses, Bobby's team.  They only had 3 players, so
we only played 3 matches.

First match was Brian T against Gaylen in a 3:2.  Brian was shooting
well, and after trading wins, Brian won the last two games to win the
match, 3:1.

Craig played Bobby next in a 2:8.  Craig was shooting very well at the
start of the match and got an early win.  He also got to the 8 first
in a few of the following games, but then Bobby started settling down,
and after about 2 hours of play, Bobby finally took the match, 1:8.

Roger was next against Ron ina 1:10.  Despite not having played since
last spring (or maybe thanks to not having played since last
spring...), Roger was playing strong, making some good runs early on.
Unfortunately, inevitably there'd be a ball blocking his way, which
gave Ron the shot, which usually meant Roger didn't get to return to
the table until he had to rack the next game.  Not surprisingly,
ultimately Ron won out, taking the match 0:10.

So we were 1 and 2 in our scheduled matches for the night.  The
remaining 2 matches are to be made up on a future date.

Paul played the make-up match against We Used to be Good (Kevin's
team) from last week, playing Ed in a 2:6.  Paul held his own, but
wasn't able to close the deal on any of the games and went down, 0:6.
So against We Used to be Good, we went 1 and 4. :(

Les's team was busy playing makeups against another team, so we didn't
play any of our remaining 2 makeups with them.

Next week we play Mr mR, Liz's team.


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