[POOL] Well?

Craig Stacey stace at mcs.anl.gov
Wed May 6 14:07:29 CDT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Okay, that's $67 for playoffs and $105 for session, bringing our party  
total to $706 combined for 07/08 and 08/09.

I'm going to suggest we actually just have a nice party with good beer  
and food.  Suggestions?  Here are some options that come to mind:

1) Rent/use a picnic ground for a BBQ and picnic.
2) Have a party at one of the player's homes.  At this point both Paul  
(60490) and I (60501) have volunteered to host.*
3) Group dinner at a great restaurant, party afterwards.
4) Donate it all to Roger's Corvette Improvement Fund.
5) Have some sort of group outing like dinner and a ball game, or  
dinner and a comedy show, or dinner and a movie.  But I still won't  
put out.  Not even for you.
6) Weekend camping trip.
7) Weekend camping trip culminating with a cage-match, Terrordome style.

* Zip codes provided for proximity considerations.  Paul's got a big  
place, and is in the burbs where most of our players are.  I've got an  
okay sized place closer to the city.  I'm pretty sure either of us can  
provide BBQ.  I've got a pool table if we want to play.

On May 6, 2009, at 12:13 PM, John Valdes wrote:

> Our winnings were $67.
> John
> On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 11:34:30AM -0500, Roger Sersted wrote:
>> I don't know.  I gave the envelope to John V.
>> Roger S.
>> Craig Stacey wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Way to go Brian!
>>> Brian, you're the only one who didn't take his match out to the  
>>> maximum
>>> number. :)
>>> What were our winnings for 5th, Roger?
>>> ==
>>> Craig
>>> On May 6, 2009, at 10:41 AM, Roger Sersted wrote:
>>>> Brian R. vs Art in a 3:2.  Art won the first game and Brian R. won
>>>> the next two games.  Taking the match and giving Team Moe 5th place
>>>> AND he extends his winning streak to 8 games.  Boo YAHH!!!
>>>> Craig Stacey wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> How'd we do?  Here's what I know:
>>>>> We played Bass Ackwards.  Brian T played Jeremy in a 4-3.  It was
>>>>> close, went to the final game, Brian lost 4-2.
>>>>> Roger played Jill in a 4-2, it was close, went to the final game,
>>>>> Roger lost 4-1.
>>>>> I played Glenn in a 6-2, it was close, went to the final game, I
>>>>> won 5-2.
>>>>> John played Candido in a 2-2, it was close, went to the final  
>>>>> game,
>>>>> John won 2-1.
>>>>> I left around 11, when Brian R. and Art were playing in a 2-2.
>>>>> How'd it go?  Was it close?  Did it go to the final game?
>>>>> ==
>>>>> Craig
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)


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