[POOL] Pool players wanted

Aaron Magill amagill at the-magills.com
Tue Sep 5 11:53:14 CDT 2006

How long does the season run?  At present, I can't promise much (and in 
fact the first night I am on a business trip) but if I can make it up 
there on a Tuesday night, I'd love to play again; so to that end, I want 
to mark the dates in my calendar so I can remember to try and make it up 



Craig Stacey wrote:

> Hey, folks.  The Argonne Pool league is starting play two weeks from  
> tonight, and our team is looking for players 21 years of age or older.
> When I say "our" team, I mean the team that once upon a time was  
> almost exclusively MCSers, but is now a mix of folks from  
> everywhere.  Still, I like to think of it as our team. :)
> Some details about the league is below, but here's the crux of it: If  
> you think you're too bad a player to play in the league, don't.  When  
> I joined I was pretty green.  By the handicap I have, I'm still  
> technically the worst player in the league with a rating of -20- 
> something.  I've been as low as -36.  The best player in the league  
> is handicapped around 150, so you can see there's quite a range.  But  
> regular play makes you a better player.  Trust me.  We have fun, it's  
> very loose, and we're all about simply enjoying the game.
> About the league: The Argonne Pool League (APL) plays every Tuesday  
> night through a session, and is comprised of 8 teams.  We play at Q  
> Billiards on Cass Ave (just north of I-55).  There are two sessions,  
> the fall (starting on the 19th) and the winter/spring (starting in  
> January), plus a 3 week playoff round with a banquet at the end.  The  
> cost to play is $10 per session, plus $6 any night you play a match.   
> The $6 also gets you a complimentary beer or drink.  A team must play  
> 5 matches in a night.  It's a handicapped league, so players of all  
> skill levels are welcome.  Matches are determined by handicaps with  
> matchups ranging from 2-2 (first player to win two games wins) to  
> 10-1 (higher ranked player needs to win 10 games, lower ranked needs  
> to win 1).  You must play at least 4 nights to be eligible to play in  
> the playoffs.
> There is a practice table available.  You sign up on a whiteboard,  
> and the game fee is $1, paid by the loser.  Our team also has a  
> tendency to rent a table for the night, with those playing splitting  
> the fee (usually about 5 or 6 bucks each).  That's optional.
> Fees go to support the club's costs and prizes.  Prizes are  
> distributed at the end of every session.  Our team is going out to  
> dinner tonight with the proceeds from our play last year (3rd place  
> in 1st session, 5th in 2nd session, 2nd in playoffs).
> Our team is The Moe Syzlak Experience Featuring Homer, (or, simply,  
> Moe).  Currently, it's got a few MCSers, a few other ANLers, and some  
> non-ANLers as well.  Ideally, we'd have about 10 players to ensure we  
> can put up 5 in any given night.  So you don't *have* to play every  
> week.  But we'll certainly accommodate those who *want* to play every  
> night.
> It's a blast, come join us.  Our team page is at http:// 
> www.mcs.anl.gov/pool and our mailing list is mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov.   
> Let me know if you want to join.  Thanks!
> -- 
> Craig
> !DSPAM:44fdaa86312011681675593!

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