FW: Pool League Captains Meeting 11/04

William E. Allcock allcock at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Nov 3 14:12:11 CST 2003

I can be there for this tomorrow.  We should probably pick a captain.  Also,
if there is anything you want me to address, let me know.  If someone has a
burning desire to step forward, be the captain, and attend this meeting,
just let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Batson [mailto:cb2 at cbatson.com]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 13:14
To: allcock at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Fw: Pool League Captains Meeting 11/04

Hello Bill,
    I'm not sure who to send this to.You're at
the top of the alphabet so you win. If your team
has chosen a Captain please forward this to him.
If you don't have a Captain, please see if someone
will be willing to represent your team at the meeting.
Let me know if you receive this today. I'll send it to
someone else on your team if I don' hear from you--
just in case you are away from the ANL today.
Thanks, Chuck Batson

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Batson
To: Daniel Preuss ; Mike Mattox ; Vic Maroni ; Jeff Fortner ; Bobby Crews ;
Kevin Beyer
Cc: Ron L. Shepard ; Art Kahaian
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:54 PM
Subject: Pool League Captains Meeting 11/04

Hello to All;
    On Tuesday 11/04 we will have a team Captain's
meeting before play starts at Q. We would like to
start the meeting at 17:45 if all representatives can
get there; otherwise, we'll start when we have a quorum.
The tentative agenda is:

    Questions about Q's Complimentary drink policy
        Lead Off: Chuck Batson

    Location Selection

    Complaints and comments
        From League Members
        From Q
     Lead Off : Chuck Batson

    Rules Updates and proposed changes
        Lead Off: Ron Shepard

     Handicap/Match-Up system
        Lead Off: Ron Shepard

    I will try to send additional background on several
agenda items as time permits.  Also, if you want to
update contact information for you or your team please
let me know. Thank You, Chuck Batson
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